Just Try

Just Try

Try SHARING your goals.  Try COMMUNICATING.  Try flipping the switch.  Be flexible in your thought processes and planning.  If you know me at all, you know I love my DAILY showers.  I’m an early bird too.  I’m usually done, or just finishing up my showers by 6:30 or 7a.

Today, I skipped my morning shower.  I’ll get one tonight.  I have PT bright and early tomorrow.  I jumped into my sit to stands first today.  Plate raises followed.  Lightweight biceps curls, front presses, more squats.  Feeling stronger is an amazing feeling.  I held off on any coffee until after 8:30 too.  Hence, stay flexible.  Stay flexible physically, mentally, emotionally and when responding to external influences.  Surprise everybody, respond quicker, breathe through obvious stressors.  Change the game up.  Be strategic.

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