DWABIT Financials
DWAbIT Financials - “Don’t Worry About It” Financials
Behold, our fiscal fancy is BOLD, independent, growing and in our opinion, brilliant. Focus on Jesus, then set yourself up to be a better disciple. Tangible outcomes, more and more require tangible resources.
- Protect yourself, set up an ABLE account.
- Open a Charles Schwab/ stock brokerage account.
- Open a Coinbase/ crypto brokerage account.
Most of our guidance is geared towards “disadvantaged”businesses/ business owners, investors and entrepreneurs.
ABLE accounts, or Achieving a Better Life Experience accounts, provide a unique savings opportunity for individuals with disabilities while allowing them to maintain eligibility for essential government benefits. These tax-advantaged accounts enable account holders to save and invest funds without jeopardizing their access to programs like SSI or Medicaid. Business owners can benefit from ABLE accounts by supporting their employees or clients with disabilities, fostering a more inclusive workplace environment. By encouraging the use of ABLE accounts, businesses demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. Additionally, investing in the financial well-being of individuals with disabilities can enhance employee loyalty and productivity, ultimately benefiting the business as a whole.
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