Hi Mr./Mrs. _________, This is Kyle from DirectDepositME.com. I just now saw your donation. I’ll be sure to get that sent to the IM ABLE foundation as soon as it hits my account. I trust you read that links to order directly from our distributors are in the product descriptions.
“The products featured on this site are recommendations, with links included for purchasing at competitive prices. Please note that all transactions made through this site will be considered donations to support a cause that is very important to me. I am committed to fundraising for the IM ABLE Foundation through my writing, motivational content, and occasional videos. All contributions will be directed to this organization. To maintain transparency and prevent potential scams, we do not offer refunds on donations. Additionally, we do not sell equipment directly but instead provide recommendations for products that we find effective, along with links to acquire them at better prices. Thank you for your support. Best, Kyle “